At the beginning of the October 25th Council meeting, Council held its annual organizational meeting. At this meeting, Council determines its new Mayor and Deputy Mayor and fills positions that have vacancies or are up for renewal.
Councillor Kochan had been elected Mayor for two years, however, at the beginning of the organizational meeting, he resigned his position stating that he wanted to focus more of his time on issues in his division, Springbank. As a result, I nominated Councillor Kissel for Mayor and Councillor Hanson nominated Councillor Samra – both were acclaimed.
Immediately after being acclaimed as Mayor, Kissel made a motion to direct Administration to bring back the necessary bylaw amendments to change the title of Mayor back to Reeve and Deputy Mayor back to Deputy Reeve. Her motion passed unanimously. The change to Mayor from Reeve was a recommendation of the previous Chief Administrative Officer in anticipation of the County being recognized as a specialized municipality by the Province; a request that was ultimately denied.
Kochan was elected Chair of the newly created Governance Committee. Councillor Hanson replaces Kissel as Chair of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board and will continue in his position as the County’s appointee to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB). Samra will be the alternate on the CMRB.
I will continue in my position as Chair of both the Public Presentation Committee and the Family and Community Support Services Board.
Council meetings will move to bi-weekly from every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, except for August where Council has no meetings, and December, where they will be held the first two Tuesdays of the month.
The Specialized Transportation Assistance Grant is intended to subsidize transportation costs related to medical and/or therapeutic appointments for seniors and persons with disabilities who live in Rocky View County.
Council allocates Specialized Transportation Assistance Grant funds in conjunction with the County’s annual budget. Administration received one grant application from the Rocky View Regional Handi Bus Society. Council approved a grant of $303,500, based on a per capita rate of $7.70. If you or your neighbours may be interested in using this service, the Rocky View Handi Bus website can be accessed here. Up to 20 one-way rides may be booked each month and the service is available from 7:30-4:30, 7 days a week. As a shared ride service, passengers may experience travel times double that for travelling by car or taxi and arrive up to 20-40 minutes prior to an appointment and wait up to 20-40 minutes after.