Flooding is an issue throughout Rocky View. When previous Councils decided that Rocky View was "open for business" and began their unquestioning approval of innumerable development proposals, they had little understanding of the importance of storm water management. As a result, the County has a myriad of storm water issues caused by poorly designed upstream development. I have championed bringing some of these issues to the forefront. I have supported improved storm water levies and was instrumental in securing $5.5 million for stormwater improvements in the Meadow Drive and RR 25 / Burma Rd areas of Bearspaw.
The Meadow Drive solution is but one phase to alleviate problems in this area. I also helped secure $36,000 for relief pumping in the Bearspaw View area. The latter required money from the Tax Stabilization Reserve as the Council majority decided to eliminate all funding for ongoing storm drainage improvements to support a 0% property tax rate increase. While a 0% tax increase sounds good on paper, it is not sustainable in the long run, especially when you consider that there are similar projects across the County that require funding.
If elected, I am committed to advocate for the additional phases of the Meadow Drive project and for appropriate funding for the many stormwater projects throughout the County. Vote Samanntha Wright for Rocky View Council.