Over the past four years, the majority on this council has approved a tremendous number of developments despite overwhelming objection from local residents affected by those developments. This is wrong. Council is elected by you to represent you. While there is no doubt that development will occur, it should involve considerable stakeholder engagement and input – not just as a box-checking exercise but as meaningful consultation. Throughout my term, I have advocated strongly for residents and done my utmost to make sure that stakeholders felt heard and that their input was reflected in my decision-making. If re-elected, I will continue to insist that developments reflect the will of the community, are consistent with policy and are good for the County’s bottom line.
Through countless surveys over the last couple of decades, County residents have repeatedly stated that the key reason they live in Rocky View was for the rural or country residential lifestyle. Moreover, residents have emphasized that new development should pay for itself and not put its costs onto existing ratepayers. I have been vocal in my opposition to many development applications that did not meet these criteria – often raising the ire of the majority by asking tough questions where appropriate.
I believe that rules are there for a reason and that if a rule is there it should be followed. If the rule isn’t followed, there should be sound reasons and overwhelming local support. In my experience, there are two types of councillors - those who believe that they are elected because they already know what the people want and those who believe that they need to constantly listen to and re-evaluate what the community wants. I definitely fall under the latter.
Vote Samanntha Wright. RIght for Rocky View. Right for Division 4 Councillor.