This month, I thought I’d take the opportunity to provide you with some information about three programs offered to County residents that you may not be aware of.
Safe and Sound
The County offers a free service to keep residents abreast of issues affecting their communities. You can sign up to be notified by either email or text.
· SAFE Communities for emergency alerts. It helps the County contact you in a crisis - any emergency that might impact you or your family. You'll receive official, reliable information about what's happening and what you need to do about it.
· SOUND Communication is for information on important activities in your area. It helps the County provide you with updates on road closures, development applications, fire bans, bylaw changes, and more. You choose the topics that interest you.
How Does Safe and Sound work? When you sign up, you’ll be asked for your location. You can enter your home address and other locations important to you, such as a school, workplace, or a relative’s home. Next, you’ll be asked for any phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or text message numbers where we can reach you.
Emergencies: In a crisis, the County will use your contact information to reach you with important information about what’s happening and any steps you need to take to protect you or your family. The County will use all your phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or text message numbers to reach you.
Regular Communication: For non-emergency information, we’ll use only your primary e-mail address to send you a message when there’s information to share on the topics you’ve chosen to sign up for.
You can sign up online at www.rockyview.ca/countyservices/safesound.aspx. For those without internet access, please call the County’s main number at 403-230-1401 to enrol.
Bearspaw Chuck Wagon (Recycling)
The Bearspaw Chuck Wagon is a mobile recycling bin that act as a small-scale transfer site on Wednesdays between the hours of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. It is located in the parking lot at the Bearspaw Lifestyle Centre.
Accepted Items are newsprint, mixed paper, clear glass, cardboard, plastic, metal (small items only).
Due to the high winds and dry conditions typical to this area of Alberta, it is recommended that rural residents take the time to assess their property and eliminate as many fire hazards and fuel sources as possible.
Our local Bearspaw firefighters are willing to come to your home and let you know how you can FireSmart your property. You can book a home fire inspection by choosing on the County’s website at: www.rockyview.ca/CountyServices/FireEmergency/FireInspections.aspx.
Here’s to a safe and happy summer!